Intimate Weddings 30 people

Intimate Weddings based on 30 people for the Wedding Ceremony and Reception. Until 30th December 2025.

Intimate Weddings 30 Option 1 ~ £3,155 Including:

Dedicated Wedding Planner to help with preparations
Ceremony room (Borelli or outdoor courtyard summerhouse)
Wedding reception room (Borelli)
Ceremony red carpet
White chair covers with a choice of sash colours
Drinks reception
Champagne Afternoon Tea
White table linen & linen napkins
Cake stand and cake knife
Dedicated operations manager who will oversee your Wedding Day
Accommodation for bridal couple

Intimate Weddings 30 Option 2 ~ £3,925 Including:

Dedicated Wedding Planner to help with preparations
Ceremony room (Borelli or outdoor courtyard summerhouse)
Wedding reception room (Borelli)
Ceremony red carpet
White chair covers with a choice of sash colours
Drinks reception
3 course menu with coffee & mints
White table linen & linen napkins
Half bottle of house wine per person with wedding breakfast
Still & sparkling mineral water
A glass of Prosecco per person for the toast
Cake stand and cake knife
Dedicated operations manager who will oversee your Wedding Day
Accommodation for bridal couple

Arrival Drinks:

One glass per person – please choose from the following:
Glass of Pimms
Bucks Fizz
or a soft drink

Optional Extra

Add an evening for just £38 per person with a Finger Buffet & a glass of Prosecco

Click here to download the Intimate Weddings for 30 people.

Chiseldon House indoor wedding in the Borelli Room
Chiseldon House indoor wedding in the Borelli
Chiseldon House Summerhouse Wedding
Chiseldon House outdoor wedding in the Summerhouse